Ready to get booked
out with luxury photography clients?

the step-by-step system to booked out & $10k months organically

And finally build a work less - make more business.


I need this! Let's go!

"My average wedding booking used to be $1500-$2500... and now I'm booking $5k-$6k"

This has been a LONG TIME COMING but I am SO THRILLED. I just booked a $6400 Collection!!! She found me on Instagram and LOVES my work based on my 15 images on my Instagram page (which I have spent months re-working and re-working and re-working lol). Thank you Elizabeth T Nwansi!

Budget bookings are NOT the way to a sustainable photography business...




Luxury weddings are.

Where you can photograph 10-15 jobs a year, make amazing money AND have tons of open space on your spend it with the people you love most.



Here's the truth...with the right strategy and mindset 
you can easily get booked out with high paying clients

"I've raised my prices to $4,000 for a 6 hour wedding, where last year I was charging $3,500 for an 8 hour wedding!"

I've started applying everything I'm learning inside of Roadmap to Booked, and curating. I've raised my prices to $4,000 for a 6 hour wedding where last year I was charging $3,500 for an 8 hour wedding!

Here's What You Need:

A Proven Roadmap

You're so over DIY and ready to learn from an expert. You want someone to just hand you the plan so you can get to work.

Access to a Mentor

You need to be able to ask questions in real time as your grow your profitable business, monthly live mentoring so you never get stuck.

Templates & Tools

You need more than trainings; you need tools and templates that you can plug & play into your own business. 

The simple A-Z system to getting booked out with luxury clients, so you can finally work less and make more. Don't worry - we will be sharing all of the details down below!




The fundamental work to ensure that you have a sustainable, thriving photography business.

  • The Visionary Photographer - Create your vision for your life & business.
  • Money Made Sexy - Shift your mindset about money so it starts working for your not against you.
  • The Mechanics - All of the software I use for my own business.
  • Successful Entrepreneur 101 - Teaching you what separates successful people from those who aren't, so you thrive instead of self-sabotage.

Course breakdown:

Your Failproof Business


We cover the nuts and bolts, the foundation of your photography business and it's success.

  • Purposeful Pricing Method - How to price your services based on what makes the most sense for YOU and your vision for your dream photography business.
  • Ideal Client - How to finally figure out EXACTLY who you are serving and why it gets your more jobs.
  • The Curated Brand - How to create a stunning brand that aligns with your ideal clients and gets you booked with ease, even at higher price points.
  • “Clients that Love You Back” - My process for a smooth client experience that overjoys my clients so much they end up sending me all of their friends as referrals for life.

Your Foundation


Elevating Your Skills

In this Phase, I will share the important things you need to know about the Art of Photography.

  • Consistent Editing System - How to stay consistent with your editing right from the start of your business.
  • The "Moneymaker" Shot - How to get that EPIC shot that gets you client inquiries on repeat.
  • The Necessities - All of the equipment I use for my own business.
  • Styled Shoots That Book - How to put together a styled shoot strategically that attracts high tickets clients to you.
  • The Client Consultation - No more awkward sales calls. You'll learn how to sell with ease and get my exact sales script for my own calls.

Phase Four

Marketing 101

Ditch overwhelm and get clarity on exactly how to market your business. Book quality clients without a huge following and learn which avenues to focus on so you stay booked out year after year.

  • Tiny Audience Big Profits - How to get started booking high ticket photography clients on IG even if you have a small audience.
  • “Be Where They Are” - Ideal Client Social Funnel - how to attract your perfect ideal clients that are willing to pay a premium for your photography services.
  • The Curated Feed - What to post to magnetize your ideal clients with your work and get them inquiring in your inbox.
  • Networking With Ease - Guest expert Corinna Rose Photography explains how she networked to get to 6 figures in three years flat.

Let's take your business to the next level with a few limited time bonuses 👇🏼

Bonus #1

Your Next 100 Leads Workshop

The workshop designed to make your investment back quickly. Discover 6 strategies to bring in at least 100 qualified leads to your wedding photography business and I walk you through how to add each marketing strategy to your calendar so that you can finally have a steady stream of high-quality inquiries coming into your photography business.

Bonus #2

Extra $1,000 in One Hour Workshop

In this workshop, I will share my literal screen with you and walk you through exactly how to structure your pricing to add $1,000 to your most popular collection.

We aren’t just willy nilly adding $1,000, you’re going to learn how to do it in a way that is an easy yes so that clients actually BOOK at your new price.

Lastly, I will walk you through an entire pricing guide - why it works and how to put together all of the ingredients that make a luxury client excited to move forward and book.

Bonus #3

3 Months of Coaching With Elizabeth Nwansi

We’ve built in live coaching to help you not just with the curriculum but be able to be in a live coaching container with with other photographers getting your questions answered by Elizabeth Nwansi.

I built live coaching into this program because I have seen the transformational power in my own business of being able to sit in live calls, hear other people’s questions and strategies and most importantly getting my specific questions answered.

Bonus #4

3 Months Access to Private Support Community

In addition to the live monthly coaching calls, you will also get access to our private community.

This is the place between calls to share your wins, find like-minded women to partner with and mastermind with, and get your questions answered by other women in your community.

Surrounding yourself with a room of like-minded people who are all positive, encouraging, and building towards the same goals as you is such an important piece of having a successful photography business.

Bonus #5

3 Additional Months of the Coaching and Community Support

When you join before doors close during this launch ONLY, we are going to DOUBLE the support you receive when you join Roadmap to Booked.

This means that instead of 3 months of live coaching calls with Elizabeth Nwansi and 3 months of membership access to our private community...

You will be getting 3 additional months. 6 MONTHS in total of coaching support and community support as you move through the curriculum.

"I just booked my most expensive wedding. Raised my rates and even had two people considering the same date! This one booked first - $6245 for Nov 2024!"

"When I joined RTB it was really inspiring for me to see (Elizabeth Nwansi) have balance figured out. You can be family first and still have a business that thrives."

I've started applying everything I'm learning inside of Roadmap to Booked, and curating. I've raised my prices to $4,000 for a 6 hour wedding where last year I was charging $3,500 for an 8 hour wedding!

"Here's to the last budget wedding I ever shoot!"

As I was getting ready last night for a wedding I’m shooting today, I couldn’t help but feel so blessed. This is a wedding I booked before signing up for RTB, and it’s definitely a budget wedding. But I was terrified to jump back in after taking time off to be home with my girls (my youngest just turned 1!). I’m so incredibly thankful for this course and the changes I’m making to grow my business! Here’s to this being the last budget wedding I ever shoot🙌 thank you Elizabeth for creating this course!!

"I have become so successful that my husband had to start helping manage the backend!"

Roadmap to Booked was the best thing I could have done for my business! I went from knowing absolutely nothing to feeling confident and successful in a short period of time. Since completing the course, I have closed almost every lead that has come in. I just booked a wedding at my highest package and raised my prices. As a new mom, it was scary starting my own business and I didn’t know if I could do it… but I have become so successful that my husband had to start helping manage the backend! It’s been an amazing experience and I am so grateful for Elizabeth and this community!





How does this sound?

Hit your income goals with a reliable and sustainable system so you can finally hire a team & spend all the free time with your family.

Work with dream clients who need and love what you offer and impact their lives with your images that they will have forever.

Position yourself as an industry leader and turn your business into a profit-generating machine that allows you to work 12 hours a week.

You're probably thinking you need a massive social media following, hundreds of website visitors, or to become the "best photographer" ever before you can become wildly profitable.

The fact is, that simply isn't true.

Sure having a large social media following and being the best photographer in the world certainly help...

...but when it comes down to it, running a profitable photography business requires four simple things:

1. Clarify Your Vision - First, develop your exact plan for your business moving forward so you know exactly what to charge and where you're going.

2. Build a Solid Foundation - We will build out your workflows, craft a luxury client experience and lastly, position your brand so that it easily sells FOR you. There's a way to do it that creates complete desire to work with you even with a small audience.

3. Elevate Your Skills - Learn pivotal skills needed to wow clients and get booked out like editing consistently and how to do consultation calls the right way.

4. Lead Gen 101 - Finally, you've set up all of the essentials in your sustainable business model, now learn exactly how to bring traffic to it consistently. No need to be on IG 24/7 or dancing on Tik-Tok.

you need less than you think

"Someone pinch me please I must be dreaming, I just got booked at the wedding venue of my dreams! Thank you Liz for all your support and RTB!"

"Best decision I could have ever made! Within a week I gained the confidence to raise my pricing, within a few weeks I had booked out 3 months in advance!"

"Best decision I could have ever made! Within a week I gained the confidence to raise my prices, within a few weeks I booked out months in advance!"

If you're ready to start booking dream clients and reach $10k months....

I created Roadmap to Booked for you!

"Now I look at my work, I get so excited and a little bit emotional to see that growth in that short amount of time since I signed up for RTB".


"This program has changed my business, my life and my family's life!"




- Cassie

Get the EXACT steps to implementing our strategies to work in your business. Each lesson is very actionable with steps to follow, so you can see results in your business much faster. You see results by DOING, not just learning

Each and every month, we have a live call you can attend to either learn advanced strategies, updates to what's working now, as well getting your questions answered. We plan on adding more calls each month as the group grows

Have a question? You get to ask for feedback, reviews, or support each month for our Q&A sessions. Additionally, we encourage you to ask for feedback in our student community.

Get the exact strategies to book clients for your photography business, whether you're brand new or going through the course for your 5th time, these deliver.

Throughout the program, you will be given our plug-and-play email templates, scripts for sales calls, as well as various tools I have used in my business. This will make your implementation 100x faster and easier.

Get 3 months access to other students on the same journey as you 24/7. We encourage participation and accountability, and we've seen many folks get clients AND find friends for life in our community.

We've built coaching and support into the curriculum, so you get results

step by step Training

feedback & support

TEmplates, scripts, prompts & tools

PRivate community



sign up

When I started out, I was a stay-at-home person with a passion for taking photographing of my daughters. My husband bought me a Canon T-3i and I used that to photograph my very first jobs (for free!)My very first wedding I charged $500 and it wasn't long until I was charging around $3,000. I realized quickly, that spending all of my days and weekends away from my family just to make a full-time income was a lightning speed way to burnout and I decided I would be relentless in the pursuit of learning how to become a luxury photographer. 

This is when I got stuck

I tried paid marketing, adhering to the Instagram algorithm, purchasing all of the best equipment, relying on referrals alone and then I figured I needed to be the very BEST artist there was. This led me to winning multiple awards for my work....but still sitting at budget prices.Eventually I threw out the rulebook and found my own system, that took me from $3,000 weddings to $9,000+ and only photographing 10 weddings a year.

This system has worked for so many of the women you see on this page, both beginners who have just picked up a camera and women who have been photographing for over 10 years.

This took me YEARS to learn and I want to make sure you don't spend nearly as much time as I had to in your own photography business.

"After joining RTB, I booked my first wedding!"

After joining RTB I booked my first wedding, but it also continuously lights my fire within me to keep moving forward. I have never found a resource that quite literally answered all of my questions like Roadmap to Booked.


Simply choose the best plan for you and let's go!

PAY IN FULL - Normally $1997 (USE CODE: LETSGO)



Join now and get instant access to the exact step-by-step plan, trainings, templates, scripts and the amazing support you need.

There's zero risk, you have 14 days to make sure it's the right fit.

When you enroll,  you'll have 14 days to go through the entire program & experience a live mentoring session with Elizabeth. If for whatever reason, literally ANY reason, you don't feel like the was the best investment you made in your photography business simply email us and we'll gladly refund your entire investment. No questions asked.

money back


I  Got Your Back

14 day

"Omg omg omg praise the lawwwwdddd! I used your Zoom call suggestions and they booked!"

What if I'm not ready to dive in yet, will this program be open later?

Yes. However, here's why I recommend you join TODAY anyway. Reason #1 - You get lifetime access to the curriculum AND a discount for joining today. So even if you're not ready to focus on the business until a few months later, you already know you have this program available for you when you're ready. Reason #2 - Most people who say this to me and end up joining, still end up starting with the curriculum and they are SO grateful they did now versus later. When you realize you don't need hours upon hours each day to implement these growth activities, you will be happy you can start now and start seeing results faster

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I still get the instant access curriculum if I join with a payment plan?


I'm brand new in business and haven't made any money yet, is this right for me?

When does the program and live calls start? What do I get access to?

I've had my business for a few years, but I'm struggling with booking and charging what I want to. Is this right for me?

How quickly can I expect to see results with this program?

How long will I have access to the program?

Definitely, in fact I would say this is a must so that you can get your photography business started on the right foot and leave the guessing games and YouTube wormhole. You don't want to leave anything about your business to chance and you want to make money as soon as possible, this program is perfect for teaching you how to do that.

Right away! You get access to the entire 50+ lesson online curriculum, our private mastermind facebook group and 12 months of access to private, live coaching calls with Elizabeth Nwansi. Additionally, you get a full 12 months of access to the coaching call replays, if you can't make the call - leave a question in the FB group and Elizabeth will address it for you on the live call.

Absolutely, it doesn't matter if you've been in business for 10 years...if you feel stuck, overwhelmed with the amount of time you're working and are wanting to charge more, this program is perfect for you. 

This is going to depend on you, how quickly you implement, and where you're starting from. However all of the Modules build on each other, meaning as you go through each lesson you will start to see improvements in your business right away. As you continue to go through, your results will compound and if you do the work assigned, you should see significant results within a few months.

You will have access to the program for as long as it exists. There are no plans for it to expire - if it changes, we will give you 6 months notice beforehand.

But it definitely wasn't always this way...

I don't have a degree in Photography, no parents to help me make investments and I didn't know one single thing about taking pictures when I started.

I was super awkward and introverted, just showing up to a photoshoot would makes me tremble and my palms would sweat. I've cried going home from networking events and seriously botched up photoshoots. I was the exact opposite of someone who looked like they would be successful at this.

But everytime I was scared, I pushed through and did it anyway. Anytime there was an opportunity to invest, I stretched my budget and took the plunge. I worked early mornings before my kids woke up and late nights after tucking them in for the night.

Hard work and strategy pays off. Since then, we've won multiple photography awards and been featured in the likes of Style Me Pretty, Wedding Chicks and 100 Layer Cake. EN Weddings accepts only 10 luxury weddings a year.

Most importantly, now I teach women everywhere exactly how to do it too.

i can help because i've been there

but nowI know how to help!

DISCLAIMER: The testimonials are from past or existing clients. I cannot promise you any specific results, and your results will be influenced by many factors including, but not limited to, your background, experience, and work ethic.